An Iconography of Movement, par Jean Gottmann
Vernissage le 19 juillet à 17 h
Sorbonne Artgallery is proud to present the first ever exhibition of a collection of slides and photographs from the archives of geographer Jean Gottmann (1915-1994). In Jean Gottmann: An Iconography of Movement, scholars work towards shedding light on his concept of the 'megalopolis': field documentation becomes art.
Half of the photographs on display were taken in North America, a third in Europe, 10-15% in Latin America, while the remaining 5% consist of diagrams, maps, and artworks. The collection, not limited to traditional geographical study, includes field shots, personal, professional, and intellectual elements; and material drawn from previous projects. The intermingling of his field work with his intellectual and professional life across his 'Atlantic transhumance' reveals his vision of the variety of human geography.