M. Jorgen-Vitting Andersen

Chargé de recherche


Thèmes de recherche

I have always tried my best to promote interdisciplinary research. My own career I think is a good example: I did my Ms. Sc. In atomic physics (or rather high energy physics) working on tensor mixing in heavy quark systems. During my PhD I then changed and did a PhD on High-Tc superconductors and non-equilibrium phase transitions (i.e. a PhD in the field of stat. phys. /condensed matter physics). I then did several post doc. positions working mainly in the field of statistical physics. Over the last 15 year I have however worked in the field of Econo-Physics. More recently I defined a new research field, Socio-Finance (see my book "An Introduction to Socio-Finance"), to describe the fact that asset prices are either generated by direct interaction of people (they discuss, take advice) or indirect interaction (the price movement caused by a trader entering a position, is observed by other traders). Interdisciplinary methods (Statistical Physics, Psychology and Sociology) are used to understand human decision making in financial markets seen as complex systems. I have a large international experience having worked at e.g. Nordic Institute of Theoretical Atomic Physics (Denmark), McGill University (Canada), University of Paris X (France), Imperial College (UK) From 2007-2012 I was co-director of the “Collège interdisciplinaire de la finance” (CIF) at Nice University, see http://math.unice.fr/CIF/. I've contined that line of activity at the CES organizing (with Philippe de Peretti, University of Paris 1, Massimo Squillante, Bice Cavallo Benevento University) a large international and interdisciplinary conference, see www.dyses2018.org. Concerning interdisciplinary approaches in publishing, I'm p.t. an editor at the PLoSONE journal.