Mme Liyuan Fan



ED Archéologie : École doctorale d'archéologie

ARSCAN : Archéologie et sciences de l'antiquité (UMR 7041)

Domaines d'expertise

Asie centrale Paysage Peuplement Computer Applications in Archaeology

À propos de moi

Fan Liyuan is a Ph.D. candidate in Archaeology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, specializing in the archaeology of Central Asia. She is affiliated with the research laboratory ArScAn 7041.

Originally from China, she obtained her Bachelor's degree in Archaeology from Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China in 2017, followed by a Master's degree in Archaeology from the University Paris 1, Paris, France in 2021. Her Ph.D. thesis, titled "Research on the settlement of the upper basin of the Amu Darya River, from the Chalcolithic to the Late Bronze Age (4th-2nd millennium BCE)," focuses on the formation and evolution of the “Bishkent-Vaxsh culture” and its relationship with the neighbouring cultures, as well as the environmental factors that may have influenced its development.

Her research interests centre around the chronology process and interrelationship of archaeological cultures in Central Asia, with a particular focus on Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. She has conducted research on funeral practices and ceramics, with a general focus on production techniques, mobility, exploitation of natural resources, and subsistence strategies.

Liyuan is also interested in the application of computational and quantitative methods to address complex archaeological questions related to mobility, human-environment interactions, and social dynamics, as well as the automation of archaeological tasks. Over the past decade, she has participated in numerous excavations and surveys in China, Israel, and France.


Sujet de thèse

Recherches sur le peuplement du bassin supérieur de L’Amou Darya, du Chalcolithique à l’âge du Bronze final (Ⅳe-Ⅱe millénaire av. J.-C.)

Directeur de Thèse

Corinne Debaine-Francfort; Frédérique Brunet