Mme Rania Hentati Kaffel

Maître de conférences

Sciences économiques

Intelligence Artificielle

Biographie en lien avec l'IA

Rania HENTATI KAFFEL is the Program Director of the MOSEF Data Science Master's program since 2016. Prior to this, she served as the Head of the Econometrics and Finance Master's program from 2010 to 2015. Her recent research focuses on modeling risk and return using machine learning, predicting bank bankruptcy through supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning methods, as well as deep learning and the predictability of asset prices. In addition, she has expertise in leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques and large language models for sentiment analysis in financial contexts.

Formations menées en lien avec l'IA

Directrice Master 2 MoSEF Data Science

Projets IA

Organization of the Sorbonne Data Challenge, a key event promoting innovation and collaboration in data science. Organization of the "Data Value for Bank" day, highlighting the transformative role of data in the banking sector. Organization of the Monthly Seminar of the MOSEF Master's program on "LLMs and Generative AI for Finance", focusing on advancements in AI technologies for finance.

Domaines d'expertise sur l'IA

  • Text and data mining
  • Algorithmes
  • Machine Learning et Modèles Prédictifs
  • Data Science et Big Data


Thèmes de recherche

-Évaluation des actifs financiers -Gestion de portefeuille (optimisation statique et dynamique) -Gestion alternative (étude des Hedge funds) -Gestion des risques -Mesures de risque, mesures de performance -Économétrie appliquée à la finance-Sentiment Analysis 

Responsabilités scientifiques

Directrice M2 MOSEF…
