Mme Rania Hentati Kaffel

Maître de conférences

Sciences économiques

Intelligence Artificielle

Biographie en lien avec l'IA

Rania HENTATI KAFFEL is the programme director of the Master MOSEF Data science, since 2016. She led the Econometrics Finance Master from 2010 to 2015. Her last research topics focused on modeling risk and return with Machine, Predicting bank bankruptcy with supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning methods, Deep learning and predictibility asset prices

Formations menées en lien avec l'IA

Directrice Master 2 MoSEF Data Science

Projets IA

L'organisation la première édition de Sorbonne Data Challenge, Organisation de la journée " Data Value For Bank ", Organisation du séminaire

Domaines d'expertise sur l'IA

  • Text and data mining
  • Algorithmes


Thèmes de recherche

-Évaluation des actifs financiers -Gestion de portefeuille (optimisation statique et dynamique) -Gestion alternative (étude des Hedge funds) -Gestion des risques -Mesures de risque, mesures de performance -Économétrie appliquée à la finance

Responsabilités scientifiques

Directrice M2 MOSEF…


  • Hentati, R., and Prigent, J.-L. (2011): "the maximization of financial performance measures within mixture models Statistics & Decisions International mathematical journal for stochastic methods and models. Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 63--80, ISSN (Print) 0721-2631, DOI: 10.1524/stnd.2011.1083.
  • Hentati., R, Kaffel,. A and Prigent.,JL (2010): "Dynamic versus static optimization of hedge fund portfolios: The relevance of performance measuresV, International Journal of Business, 15(1), 2010, ISSN: 1083-4346. (
  • Rania Hentati, Jean-Luc Prigent. Chapter 4 Copula Theory Applied to Hedge Funds Dependence Structure Determination. Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial Time-Series, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.83-109, 2010, International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics ; 20, <10.1108/S1571-0386(2010)0000020009>.