Mme Sandra Biondo
➢ Biondo, S. (2020). La mode : un moyen pour réimaginer le lien Musée-Territoire ? Le cas du musée du chapeau Borsalino à Alexandrie, Numéro thématique ‘Géographie des musées : lieux, espaces et territoires’ de la revue Géographie et cultures, N. 117, p. 81-102. DOI :
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). Marketing territorial et patrimonialisation : l’influence de la maison de mode Jacquemus sur la gouvernance du tourisme urbain marseillais, Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, N. 76, p. 89-101. URL :
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). From Fashion to Food: Analyzing ‘fashionized’ Gastronomic Experiences through a Tourist Perspective: The case of the Rhinoceros Entr’acte restaurant powered by Alda Fendi, Zone Moda Journal, Vol.11 n.2, p. 2-17. DOI:
Book chapters
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). Fashion Stories in Rome: Place-Making Narratives Within Fashion Branded City Guides - In: Sádaba T., Kalbaska N., Cominelli F., Cantoni L., Torregrosa Puig M. (eds) Fashion Communication. Cham: Springer, p. 321-337.
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). Fashioning urban margins through culture-led regeneration : Fendi and the touristification of Rome’s periphery districts - In: Gravari-Barbas M.; Kalbaska N. (eds) Tourism and fashion. Parallel stories. London: Routledge, (sous embargo)
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). The city wears Prada: urban transformation(s) and luxury tourism |The case of the “SouPra” district in Milan - In: Gravari-Barbas M.; Kalbaska N. (eds) Tourism and fashion. Parallel stories. London: Routledge, (sous embargo)
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). Analyzing corporate fashion museums communication strategies: a glimpse into the Louis Vuitton maison de famille in Asnières-sur-Seine - In: Sádaba T., Kalbaska N., Cominelli F., Cantoni L., Torregrosa Puig M. (eds) Fashion Communication. Cham: Springer, (sous embargo).
International conferences
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). Fashioning national monuments: Fashion houses as vectors of cultural hybridization. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Unaeuropa European Workshop “heritage hybridisations: concepts, scales and spaces”, Paris, 10-12 May 2021.
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). Fendi Roma : assessing the criteria of ‘performativity’ to evaluate the influence of fashion houses in urban policies. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Fashion Tales 2020+1 workshop - ModaCult (Centro per lo studio della moda e della produzione culturale - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Milano, 17-19 June 2021.
➢ Biondo, S. (2021). Fashion Stories in Rome: Place-Making Narratives Within Fashion Branded City Guides. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the FACTUM international Workshop, Pamplona, 28 juin - 1 st July 2021.
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). Fashion and Patronage: materializing the policies of heritage conservation through water | The case of ‘Fendi for Fountains’Initiative’. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Iuav international Workshop “The Four Elements of Fashion Conference”, Venice, 16-17 March 2023.
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). Analyzing corporate fashion museums communication strategies: a glimpse into the Louis Vuitton maison de famille in Asnières-sur-Seine. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the FACTUM international Workshop, Pisa, 5-7 july 2023
➢ Biondo, S. (2023). Can fashion be considered as a category of public action? Insights from the Italian case. Double Peer-reviewed paper presented at the SISP international Workshop, Genoa, 14-16 september 2023
Article dans une revue
- titre
- From Fashion to Food: Analyzing 'fashionized' Gastronomic Experiences through a Tourist Perspective. The case of the Rhinoceros Entr'acte restaurant powered by Alda Fendi
- auteur
- Sandra Biondo
- article
- ZoneModa Journal, 2021, Fashion and Tourism in Transition, 11 (2), pp.2-17. ⟨10.6092/issn.2611-0563/13826⟩
- typdoc
- Article dans une revue
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