M. William Sauvan Clarke
Sujet de thèse
A study of veneered exotic marble in Roman architecture dating to the 1st – 3rd centuries AD from Italy: A material culture perspective as a Roman Luxury and product of Rome’s enigmatic marble tradeDirecteur de Thèse
2012 Ornamental stone from the South Etruria Survey at Veii, in R. Cascino, H. Giuseppe, H. Patterson (eds), Veii. The Historical Topography of the Ancient City. A Restudy of John Ward-Perkins Survey, British School at Rome monograph, London; 309-326
2008 Perspectives On Rome’s Enigmatic Marble Trade: Restudying The South Etruria Data in H.Patterson & F.Coarelli (eds), Mercator Placidissimus-The Tiber Valley In Antiquity’ Edizioni Quasar, Roma 687-700.
2005 ‘Finds of marble’ in S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli, K.strutt (eds.), An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome, British School at Rome Monograph 15.
2003 (with V. Gaffney, H.Patterson, P.Roberts, S.Piro with contributions by G.Barrett, A.Bradley, D.Goodman, Y.Nashimura, B.Sudds, M.Watters), Forum Novum: from Roman town to bishop’s seat. Proceedings of Inconti di studi sul Lazio e Sabina, 28-30, January 2002. Istituti Nordici, Scuola Spagnola, Soprintendenza Archaeologica per il Lazio.
2001 (with V. Gaffney, H.Patterson, P.Roberts, with contributions by G.Barret, A.Bradley, W.Clarke, D.Goodman, Y.Nashimura, B.Sudds, M.Watters), Forum Novum-Vescovio: Studying Roman urbanism in the Tiber valley, JRA 14: 59-79.